domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

Foot Health: Rheumatoid arthritis affectsthe feet in up to 90 percent of sufferers

Foot Health: Rheumatoid arthritis affectsthe feet in up to 90 percent of sufferers

By Dr. Nicole G. Freels
KyForward columnist
Have you been suffering lately from joint and pain swelling, fatigue or stiffness, especially in the morning or after sitting for long periods?

You may have rheumatoid arthritis. You’re not alone. One in every 100 Americans is diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis.

What does rheumatoid arthritis do?

Rheumatoid arthritis is most commonly found in the small joints of the hands, wrists and feet but can also attack organs, with symptoms like dry eyes and mouth, chest pain and shortness of breath, low red and white blood cell counts and carpal tunnel syndrome.

According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, up to 90 percent of people with rheumatoid arthritis will develop problems with their feet or ankles, impacting the toes and front of the feet first and then progressing into the back of the feet and then the ankles.

How can I avoid rheumatoid arthritis?

Although doctors have not yet found the cause of rheumatoid arthritis, they have long suspected that there’s a hereditary link that may cause some patients to be predisposed to it. Unfortunately for women, it is more likely to develop in females than in males.

There are, however, certain lifestyle traits that can help prevent this painful disease. Smoking, for instance, is said to be a cause of rheumatoid arthritis because the habit is common in patients who are diagnosed. A new study in theAnnals of the Rheumatic Diseases reports that one-third of the most severe cases of rheumatoid arthritis are linked to smoking.

Another prevention tip is to try to lower your anxiety levels. According to many doctors, worry and anxiety not only increase your risk of flare-ups, but may even be a contributing factor to the disease’s development in the first place.
Treating rheumatoid arthritis 

It’s important to know that there isn’t just one simple test to diagnose it. Instead, doctors look at a series of factors overall including symptoms, history, blood work and sometimes diagnose via x-rays.

The most important thing to do if you think you might have rheumatoid arthritis is to see a doctor as soon as possible. By diagnosing rheumatoid arthritis and creating a treatment plan early on, a huge difference can be made in the long-term progression of the disease.

Modified Wilson Technique for Treatment of Hallux Valgus

Modified Wilson Technique for Treatment of Hallux Valgus

Modified Wilson Technique for Treatment of Hallux Valgus
DownloadDownload as PDF (Size:2180KB) Full-Text HTML PP. 90-96   DOI: 10.4236/ojo.2014.43015
Background: Moderate to severe hallux valgus deformity demands correction of the deformity. The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the results and advantages of the modified Wilson technique for treatment of hallux valgus. Twenty four operations of distal oblique osteotomies on the first metatarsal bone as described by Wilson (1963) with some modifications were performed on fifteen patients suffering from hallux valgus, done in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology of El-Minia University Hospital; nine of them were bilateral and six were unilateral. The osteotomy site was fixed by K. wire after displacement of the distal fragment laterally and proximally. A below the knee plaster cast was applied and the patients were encouraged to bear weight partially after the second post-operative week. The K. wire was removed after 6 weeks and the cast was removed after 10 weeks. Excellent results occurred in 18 out of 24 feet operated (75%), good in 3 feet (12.5%), fair in 2 feet (8.33%) and poor in one case (4.17%). Conclusions: These modifications added more advantages to Wilson technique as a good procedure for treatment of hallux valgus.

viernes, 25 de abril de 2014

Hallux Valgus: desviación externa puede • •. • • • • •.

Hallux Valgus: desviación externa puede • •. • • • • •. acompañarse de rotación interna Exostosis Interna: puede producir una bursitis Segundo Dedo: ...

martes, 22 de abril de 2014

Fracture neck of talus treated with medial malleolar osteotomy and ORIF within 12 hours from injury

Fracture neck of talus treated with medial malleolar osteotomy and ORIF within 12 hours from injury. Postop Xrays after 1 year from injury.
Do you think that Talar Neck Fractures should be treated within 6 hours?
What do you think about the current status of the talar body?
What screw configuration do you prefer?

domingo, 20 de abril de 2014


El link original de la noticia es:

Noticias de Prensa Latina

Por José A. de la Osa *

La Habana (PL) El Diccionario de la Real Academia Española lo define en su primera acepción: "Juanete, hueso del nacimiento del dedo grueso del pie, cuando sobresale demasiado".
Y aunque como vemos el nombre de juanete está aceptado por la Academia, se le continúa denominando también por su origen latino: hallux valgus (de hallux, dedo; y valgus, hacia afuera).

El doctor Ramón Alemán Fernández es especialista en Ortopedia y Traumatología, integrante del Grupo Básico de Trabajo de Cirugía de miembros inferiores del Servicio de Ortopedia del Hospital Clínico-Quirúrgico "Hermanos Ameijeiras" en La Habana, asiente ante la interrogante de si sigue siendo unánime el criterio de que la causa de la aparición de los juanetes está dada fundamentalmente en las mujeres debido al uso de zapatos de tacón alto y puntera estrecha.

Para el doctor, sin duda alguna el uso del calzado moderno, y sobre todo el femenino, puede ser considerado como un factor determinante o adyuvante en la aparición del hallux valgus, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta que para muchos autores la lesión inicial es la desviación hacia afuera del primer dedo, cosa que bien ocasiona este calzado de puntera estrecha.....

Lea el arículo completo en:

jueves, 17 de abril de 2014


miércoles, 16 de abril de 2014

Discusión entre pares / 35yrs hefty male presented with 2weeks old closed displaced fracture femur...

Rahul B Tanga ha añadido fotos al álbum "April 16, 2014".
35yrs hefty male presented with 2weeks old closed displaced fracture femur and underwent treatment from bone setter.closed reduction and IM/IL nailing was achieved .patient is HIV positive.

viernes, 11 de abril de 2014

Discusión entre pares / 15 yr male Pre and post op xrays of closed #. Done within 12 hrs. Fibula had a longitudinal fracture line too, tibia done by MIPPO

Tomado del muro de FB del dr Jasjot Singh

15 yr male
Pre and post op xrays of closed #.
Done within 12 hrs. Fibula had a longitudinal fracture line too, tibia done by MIPPO.
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